Mr Steven Ollis

SENDCo: Mrs J Burns, Deputy Headteacher  email:  Telphone: 0161 764 5330                    SEN Governor: Councillor C Boles

What is the Local offer?

Under the new legislation of the Families Bill 2014 every local authority school has to display their offer of Special Needs Provision and services available.

What is our SEND Local Offer for?

The Local Offer Report is our way of providing parents with information about how children with additional needs are provided for in our school. At St John with St Mark C E Primary School we welcome working with parents, as your child’s education and overall welfare is important.

 What can you find in our SEN Report?

  • SEND needs that St John with St Mark provide for
  • Arrangements for parental consultation
  • Assessment and review arrangements
  • Arrangements for moving between phases of education and preparing for Adulthood
  • Teaching approaches for children with SEND
  • Involvement of outside agencies to support your child
  • Expertise and training of staff

Please click here to view our S.E.N policy. 

For Bury MBC Local Offer please visit the Bury directory.

School support Level 1 Children are identified as having an additional need and some intervention support will be put in place. They may be placed on the SEND support register.
School support Level 2 Children are identified as having an additional need but after intervention support may need another advisory agency involved.

School support Level 3

Children are identified as having additional needs and may require a Health and Education Care Plan. 


Pathways to Learning

Speech & Language                       Cognition & Learning                               Sensory & Physical                      SEMH